Wednesday 4 July 2007

I added some more pictures on flickr, so check them out...

Happy 4th of July Everyone!!!!

I kind of wish I was home today, just so I could go watch the fireworks with my family... I miss laying out on blankies and watching the "booms." haha... But then I realized that even if I was home in Michigan, my mom wouldn't be there since she's partying in California with my Aunt and my brother is off being a camp counselor at Tamarack!

Anyways, lots of amor from Ecuador!

1 comment:

Krista K. said...

So I've been thinking about you. Sorry I missed your call! I was actually at work. I've been here now for a little over a week and I think I'll be happy here.

I talked to Christine yesterday and she said you had said that you were thinking of possibly staying. I'm guessing you like it?

Take care, buddy. And you can always try to call again sometime. What's your number again? Let me know 'cause I have an international phone card. I can always try it.
